Contact us

Interested in exploring how we can help you realize your new ideas? Please submit here, and we will get back to you.


Submit a proposal

To submit your idea or concept for consideration, you must agree to terms below and complete the submission form with an Executive Summary of your business plan. The Executive Summary should include:

  • Biographical information of key management
  • Description of the product and/or service
  • Explanation of your market, competition and differentiation
  • Funding history and plan

Once we receive the information, it can take 2-4 weeks for the initial review process. Upon completion of this initial review, you will either be asked to submit additional information or informed of our decision.

Please do not disclose any confidential information to us.

SUBMIT Applied Ventures ITIC innovation fund L.P., LLC is located at 3050 Bowers Avenue, P.O. Box 58039, Santa Clara, CA 95054-3299, United States. Applied Ventures ITIC innovation fund L.P., LLC’s websites and communications are subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
By submitting this form, you agree and represent to us that any information or data that you provide to us ("Information") is considered non-confidential and non-proprietary to you or any other party, and Applied Ventures has no obligation towards you or any other party to protect such information.
Any information you transmit shall be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary information regardless if marked "confidential" or "proprietary." Applied Ventures will have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information. By communicating with Applied Ventures, you acknowledge and agree to the foregoing terms. If, after consideration of your non-proprietary disclosure, we wish to have further discussions, we may wish to enter into a confidentiality agreement with you.

